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Tips for Managing Stress

Stress can be a major obstacle in life. In this post, we'll cover some tips and tricks to help you manage stress and stay healthy. We'll also look at some strategies to help you stay calm and focused.

Written by: Carlos Fernandex

This theme comes with the @astrojs/mdx integration installed and configured in your astro.config.mjs config file. If you prefer not to use MDX, you can disable support by removing the integration from your config file.

Why MDX?

MDX is a special flavor of Markdown that supports embedded JavaScript & JSX syntax. This unlocks the ability to mix JavaScript and UI Components into your Markdown content for things like interactive charts or alerts.

If you have existing content authored in MDX, this integration will hopefully make migrating to Astro a breeze.


Here is how you import and use a UI component inside of MDX. When you open this page in the browser, you should see the clickable button below.